What follows is a listing
of albums, film titles and stage musicals that are mentioned in
various discographies and articles -most of them have never been
released - some might not exist at all.
- Alison (Rockmusical, 1968)
- Also Sprach Kazoostra (Comedy, 1972)
- Back To America II - Mentioned on the Phriends Of Phydeaux” Stuff
For Sale” Internet page. Probably a typo for “Face
To Face, Volume 2”. See “Stop
This Flight” for more details.
- Banned (By The Solid Rock Blues Band and/or The Young Lions,
- Before And After (A tribute album to Bob Dylan, probably
recorded in the UK around 1982; “Just Like A Woman” has
been released on Barking At The Ants, Barking At The Oops!
Rough Mix #3 and “Rough Street Love Letter" was
released on “Rock, Scissors et Papier”)
- Before The Fall (There's a video called "Night Before
The Fall")
- Behind The Curtain (Unreleased album from 1984 with probably
older material– it was scheduled for a May 1986 release
according to the front cover of “Back To America”. "If
I Got My Ticket" has been released on “The Story
Of The Tune”, on the back cover of this album - a 1983
release! - it says this song is from "Behind The Curtain")
- Birthday For Shakespeare (Rockmusical, 1968)
- Black And White ("Parson Brown", officially released
on the CD “Gathered Moments (Somewhere In The Lifetime),
is from the "Black And White Sessions" - 1976 -
according to the booklet that came with "Moments".
It ended up on "Rough Mix" according the same booklet,
because Word didn't want to release the songs from the "Black
And White Sessions")
- Brothers At Last (The CD “Solid Rock Sampler 1” includes
two duets with Randy Stonehill and these should be from the "Brothers
At Last" tapes)
- Chasing The Wolves (1981)
- City Of The Lost Angels (Album number 10; unreleased, some
songs might have been recorded)
- Escape From Exile (Recorded, 1984)
- Face To Face, Volume 2 (Of this album only a promo 12" single
was released; see “Stop This Flight”. There's
a video with the same title!)
- Fire And Ice (1979, The Young Lions)
- Howling At The Moon (See “Rough Street Love Letter” for
more details, 1980)
- Island In The Sky (Album number 9; only "Deep Blue" seems
to have been released; see “Barking At The Ants”, “Barking
At The Oops! Rough Mix #3”, “Rough Street Love
Letter” and the CD version of “Something New
Under The Son”. More songs might have been recorded
but this album was probably never finished)
- Journey Of The Jubilant (Mentioned in the booklets of “Children
Of Sorrow” and “Totally Unplugged”)
- Journey To The Son (Unreleased live album, 1973-74)
- L'epoque De Dieu (The Epic)(1966; side two of the “People:
I Love You" LP?)
- Le Garage Du Monde (A recorded but unreleased album; 1976, "Why
Can't You Be Good" from this album has been released
on “Down Under (But Not Out)”
- Lion's Breath (Rock opera; 1969? According to an MGM pamphlet "Lion's
Breath" was finished in 1973… and there were
plans to record it)
- Live From Carnegie Hall (1978, a bootleg recording)
- Love On Haight Street (Rockmusical, 1969, the title song
was released on the “Rough Street Love Letter” CD)
- More People Sessions (1968)
- One Night Only (Probably “The Israel Tapes”)
- One Night At Royal Albert Hall (1972, a bootleg recording)
- Orphans From Eden (Recorded but unreleased, Solid Rock,
1974; "It's Only Today That Counts" is released
on the CD version of “Something New Under The Son” and
on “Footprints In The Sand”, "Soul On Fire" has
been released on “Down Under (But Not Out)”.
The song "Morning Glory" on the CD "Hi-Fi
Demonstration Record" by Wondergroove was written by
Larry Norman and his sister Kristy for "Orphans From
- Ose Enco (1978, The Young Lions, there might be a test
pressing and a bootleg version on cassette, also titled: "First
Amendment Ose Enco"!?)
- Presque Vu (A song with this title is being mentioned on
the insert that came with the Street Level re-issue of “Only
Visiting This Planet”)
- Pushing Back The Darkness (Yet unreleased album - 90's)
- Red, White And Blues (First mentioned on the “American
Roots” CD, this was an unreleased 1976 trilogy where
Larry Norman looked back on American roots music)
- Rehearsal For Reality (There is a release with this title
on Royal Music (see “Rehearsal For Reality”);
the Phydeaux album is mentioned on “The Story Of The
Tune” and should feature “Swing Low Sweet Chariot” -
which is not on the Royal Music LP. 1984 with The Young Lions.)
- Rough Mix #1, #2 (See “Something New Under The Son”,”Barking
At The Oops! Rough Mix #3, “The Story Of The Tune” “Rough
Street Love Letter” for more details. There are probably
two tapes with a "Rough Mix" title, but it's all
rather confusing. Larry Norman probably pressed just a few
copies of these and they got heavily bootlegged. I don't
know if this is Rough Mix #2, but I guess not. See "Something
New Under The Son" for more details on this release.
See also “Black And White” in this part of the
- Saronsdal Rocks (Film soundtrack, there's a video called "Larry
Norman I Sarons Dal" - Norway, 1982)
- Second Invasion (1979, The Young Lions)
- Sessions (Also known as the "Donation CD", it
will be send to people that made a donation of at least $100
for the medical trust fund. The winter 2003 newsletter offers
this CD for a $100 donation…)
- Spirit And Flesh (The Young Lions, )
- Straight And Narrow (1983, The Young Lions)
- Streams Of White Light, Part 2, Part 3 (Late 70's, they
might have been recorded, only part 1 was released: “Streams
Of White Light Into Darkened Corners”)
- Sudden Explosion (Mentioned on a 1982 concert flyer and
on the inserts of later copies of “Letter Of The Law” and “Labor
Of Love”).
- Sydney Opera House - Sold Out (1977, a bootleg recording)
- The Capitol Sessions (This might be the “We Wish
You A Larry Christmas” CD. See also “The People
- The Destruction Of Babylon (Album number 13; unreleased)
- The Edge Of Space (Album number 14; unreleased)
- The Gospel According To Moresell Moresold (Comedy, 1973)
- The Invasion Of Earth (Album number 12; unreleased)
- The People Sessions (This might be the “We Wish You
A Larry Christmas” CD. See also “The Capital
- The Rock Sessions (Mentioned in the US booklet of “Stranded
In Babylon”
- The War Between The Sun And Moon (Album number 11; unreleased)
- Thirty Years 1956 - 1986 (Mentioned on the front cover
of “Back To America”; this probably is the “Down
Under (But Not Out)" double LP or the CD “White
Blossoms From Black Roots”)
- Twenty Five Years ("Country Church, Country People" has
been issued on “The Story Of The Tune” - that's
where this album title is mentioned - , on the Swedish “Down
Under (But Not Out” and on “Home At Last”)
- Video Blitz (Film soundtrack, France, 1982)
- Vox Populi (A rock musical, 1966, featuring "Ashes
Of Me" and "Somebody Tell Me My Name" according
to the "On Being" booklet that came with the Australian “Down
Under (But Not Out)” tape - see also “People:
I Love You”)
- Vox Populi (New version, 1978, The Young Lions)
- Voyage Of The Vigilant (Recorded, contains "Twelve
Good Men" - released on the CD version of “Something
New Under The Son” and on the CD “Footprints
In The Sand” - , "Three Million Gods" and "Cats
Of The Coliseum", 1977 - this year is given on the booklet
of “Remixing This Planet”)
- War And Peace (1984, The Young Lions)
- Why Should The Devil Have All The Good Music (Film soundtrack,
UK, 1972)